DigiLink is a not-for-profit, tech-focused Work Integrated Learning programme. We connect employers with supervised, entry-level digital talent to augment and support their digital delivery teams while bridging the skills gap and bringing young people into the economy.

The digital skills challenge in South Africa
Annually there are countless unfilled digital positions in South Africa and not enough work-ready young digital talent entering the employment market to meet the demand.
Scaling this digital talent pipeline offers many challenges. Traditional skilling pathways for digital talent are costly, lengthy, inflexible and not responsive to business needs.
Entry level candidates lack the experience required by business in a fast paced and high risk digital environment. Business does not have the bandwidth to mentor and coach entry level candidates into high-end complex roles.
Inexperienced young talent need a softer landing while gaining the skills and experience in digital roles they need to succeed.

About DigiLink
DigiLink is powered by Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, a not-for-profit social enterprise building solutions for the global challenge of youth unemployment. In South Africa, they work with many partners who are committed to results that can work at scale – including government, the private sector, civil society, and over 3 million youth.
Do you need entry level digital talent?
DigiLink offers two flexible options
work in your existing backlog. Your pods are
based at DigiLink and deliver in a managed
environment against an agreed SLA under
the supervision of our excellent
delivery team leads.
and teams. We manage pods of young digital
talent, while adopting your delivery methods,
sprint cycles and rhythms to deliver against and
maintain world-class standards.

Skills Offered
- QA and software testing
- Software development
- Data Preparation, Analysis and Modelling
- Vendor SaaS, PaaS and IaaS configuration and SLA support services for the all major cloud providers.

The DigiLink Commercial Model
- DigiLink is a BEE Level 1 not-for-profit organisation that contracts
on a cost recovery basis. - All pricing includes candidate management and hosting.
- Our candidates can be taken on full time at any time at no additional cost.